The thin 8x11 red and yellow covered journal was replaced by a smaller but thicker pocket sized edition.
And pocket sized.
A trade paperback of Infiltration has since been released, as well as a pocket sized Manga edition.
They are small submarines (so small that they were called "pocket sized submarines"), employed from the late '60s until the end of the 90s.
Print our pocket sized advice leaflet and wallet card before your visit to Spain.
He finds a pocket sized time machine in the family's garden.
The new version of the Ring Record Book and Boxing Encyclopedia is a smaller, pocket sized book with a different context separating it from the original one.
From 1937 to 2003, Warne published small, pocket sized books, which were available on many subjects.
This pocket sized iPod and iPhone battery pack is rechargeable and can give you up to 250 extra hours standby time!
A personal locater beacon, pocket sized and weighing less than a pound, can be purchased for $200, can be turned on in an emergency.