These I quickly daubed with some of the liquid remaining in my pocket pouch.
Gemnon took a gold coin from his pocket pouch and handed it to the slave.
I opened my pocket pouch and reached in to withdraw the cloak.
It withdrew a small vial from one of its pocket pouches and held it up to her.
I shook my pocket pouch so that the money in it rattled.
The slave drew forth a tablet from a pocket pouch and wrote briefly.
I saw her open my pocket pouch and drop something into it, and then she was gone.
They, too, would have fled had they not seen Teeka standing there before them, the knife and the pocket pouch in her hands.
At his side hung a pocket pouch taken from the body of one of the numerous black warriors he had slain.
I exclaimed, opening the pocket pouch that hung over my shoulder by a stout cord.