A Lysander is a small sailing boat, belonging to a type often known as a trailer sailer or pocket cruiser.
Against the armament of the German pocket cruiser, there was little hope for them.
Instead she must have gone at full blast to the nearest navy ship, a twelve-man pocket cruiser.
Both commercially made and designs for home built pocket cruisers are available.
Many people have sailed pocket cruisers long distances across open ocean, including a number of Atlantic crossings.
There has been at least one circumnavigation of the globe by a pocket cruiser.
The cabin also makes it possible to keep the pocket cruiser out for extended periods of time.
Very roomy pocket cruiser; still in production today.
Hashi could think of half a dozen gunboats and pocket cruisers within Earth's control space.
When Calm Horizons tried to use it she would blast a hole the size of a pocket cruiser in her own side.