There are, however, encouraging models in the Muslim world that could aid and inspire the country's forthcoming political experiments: Turkey and Indonesia, for example, are gradually forging stability through peaceful, pluralistic politics that include nonviolent religious parties.
The opposition movements are fragmented in their identities, depending on local issues, but in general they favor pluralistic politics, free-market economic innovations and stronger and more rapid democratization.
Therefore they rejected pluralistic politics, with its compromise and consensus-building.
Nevertheless, it is worth noting that Qiao Shi, despite his security background, has recently emerged as a strong advocate of more pluralistic politics.
"This is what pluralistic politics is all about," Mr. Coles said.
I think some countries will fare better than others at figuring out how to manage and live with pluralistic politics.
Their only goal is to make sure that America fails in its effort to bring decent, pluralistic, progressive politics to Iraq.
After decades of domination by white-ruled South Africa, Namibia may now have a chance at lively pluralistic politics.
It may be associated with pluralistic politics and representative government, but it also means giving citizens, or their representatives, more influence in the formulation and implementation of laws and policies.
Vivid but concentrated, it presents, mostly through paintings, a culture's version of its own origins, the image of history shaped far more by hard work, pluralistic politics and mysticism than by militancy.