More social unfairness is induced by the pluralistic approach to multicultural education.
For several reasons, life under occupation has primed many Palestinians, particularly among the elite, for a more pluralistic approach.
He characterized Dr. Joseph as "paternalistic, from the top down, not taking the democratic, pluralistic approach.
The editors of the journal encourage a pluralistic approach to both theoretical and applied contributions.
Thus a pluralistic approach with an emphasis on the agricultural base of rural communities is required.
This pluralistic approach is also affecting newly popular museum displays of classical holdings and exhibitions.
Mainstreaming essentially offers a pluralistic approach that values the diversity among both women and men.
And that has led to a struggle in many cities between religious conservatives and moderate Shiites who advocate a more pluralistic, secular approach.
The editors wish to encourage a pluralistic approach to both theoretical and applied contributions.
A more pluralistic approach to Jewish studies has been debated for many years.