He's plunging recklessly through the moguls, skiing on the ragged edge with too much speed and too little control.
As rage fired new strength through his muscles he plunged recklessly along the now wider trail.
Reaching the stairway, he plunged downward recklessly, on the chance that he could shake the man behind him.
But the android plunged recklessly right into the dark, outward-welling haze.
He plunged recklessly down turning after turning, never once doubting his way.
Quickly bracing his feet, he took a small futile breath of restraint, grasped her shoulders, and whispering "I'm sorry," recklessly plunged forward.
This time he knew with certainty that Lora was in trouble and plunged recklessly forward.
He swung a little to the left to escape the edge of the trap and plunged recklessly to the bottom.
Her fancy plunged recklessly into privileges and amusements which would have been much more becoming had she been cradled a child of fortune.
She saw the high priest who would have slain her leading the way, his gaunt and bony form plunging recklessly forward.