Both the stock and bond markets plunged that Friday in thin trading.
Fidelity's share price plunged $2.50 yesterday, to $4, in over-the-counter trading.
Synergen plunged 28 5/8, to 13 1/2, in frantic trading, the most active stock on any exchange.
The dollar plunged in heavy worldwide trading on the assumption that interest rates are headed lower.
International Mexico's rescue plan disappointed investors, who sent stocks plunging in early trading.
The dollar plunged in heavy trading on the economic reports.
Prices of precious metals plunged in heavy trading, with gold down nearly $16 an ounce.
Then it gave all of it back and plunged in late trading.
As the dollar fell, stock prices plunged more than 360 points in early trading on the Tokyo exchange before recovering.
Yesterday, as it became clear that Action was not immune to industry woes, its share price plunged $6, to $11.25, in over-the-counter trading.