This, however, was wishful thinking, as Majoli's ranking then plummeted even further.
But after 6 to 10 generic makers jump in, prices may plummet further.
And after the Montanans got through with us, that would likely plummet even further.
However, these reforms were unsuccessful and the poor and indigenous suffered as the country plummeted further into debt.
And she'd wondered how her reputation could plummet further.
Might save our test ranking from plummeting further.
Minutes after the opening bell at 9:30, the Dow fell 2 percent, with airline and biotechnology stocks plummeting even further.
As a result, the school's student population plummeted further.
Certainly if the stock market plummets further it may act sooner.
Forced to buy an additional nineteen hours of programming a day, its ratings plummeted even further.