What sort of plumbing repairs are safe to attempt on your own?
Because of plumbing repairs, she was required to enter the cell block through the front door.
Who will pay for the plumbing repair and the retiling?
Sarah had suggested to him that plumbing repair was just another form of detection with different tools.
Could they not come in to perform needed plumbing repairs, and earn quadruple overtime for working on Christmas Day?
In exchange for lower rental rates, students performed much of the day-to-day maintenance themselves, such as general housekeeping and minor plumbing repairs.
The passenger cars were barely lighted - electricity being rationed - and there had been little plumbing repair in the past several years.
He said finally, "If you ever get above yourself this way again, I'll have you on plumbing repair and for good.
Major plumbing repairs required the removal of the ceiling tiles last fall, and now the space, which is below street level, is for rent.
The inmates gained access to the pipes by stealing a key left in a door lock while jail guards were making plumbing repairs.