These changes in power consumption are plotted onto an image of the device in locations corresponding to the position of the laser at the time that the change was detected.
Analyzed tracks can then be plotted onto an intuitive dual axis map through which the music library on the device can be navigated, and playlists can be generated based on relative speed and mood.
Within many nations' meteorological organizations, this data is then plotted onto a weather map using the station model.
These averages are plotted onto a specific graph; the intersection of the average number of sentences and the average number of syllables determines the reading level of the content.
Weeks of filming provided them with a dictionary of specific motions and gestures, which were then plotted onto computer-drawn bodies - some 30 or so stock characters designed by Eshkar.
Once back in the lab, the bearings taken on the boat are then plotted onto a chart of the Monterrey Bay.
Less significant inclusions are ignored for the purposes of setting the grade; however, they may still be plotted onto a diamond plot chart.
Before the widespread adoption of CAD, engineering plans or architectural drawings were plotted onto sheets of boPET film.
The longitudinal positions of the planets are plotted onto this circle, because the planets (except Pluto) and many stars, lie very close to the Sun's path in celestial latitude.