The country's population growth rate is among the world's highest, and the plot sizes are among the smallest.
The plot sizes were about 140 to 330 square metres.
"Take note of your plot size before falling in love with the wrong waterfall."
These neighborhoods are universally affluent, although they vary significantly in terms of average plot size.
The average plot size is relatively small, less than 1 ha is common, particularly in the irrigation units.
The regular plot sizes are 3, 3.5 and 5 kathas.
The plot sizes will range from 3,000 to 9,000 square feet.
There is a lot of variation in individual house construction, as the plot sizes are not uniform.
It contains 97 plots developed for winery activities with average plot size of 2000 square meters.
This also increased the usable space without increasing the plot size.