Hunched over, as if his spine were made of some pliable material.
Normally cylinders are made of soft pliable materials, such as gel, silicone, rubber or a combination of these.
The cups made from more pliable materials are generally more pleasant than those made of hard plastic.
Molding - process of manufacturing by shaping pliable raw material using a rigid frame or model called a mold.
To do this, you take a pliable material (usually clay) then roll it until it forms a long roll.
In general soft, pliable, porous materials like cloths serve as good acoustic insulators absorbing most sound.
Inside was a block of pliable material which resembled an off-white plastic, and was soft to the touch.
The sleeves can be made of soft pliable materials like jelly or silicone for creating the special pleasure with the contact.
There was no obvious light source, but the pliable material covering the walls was so pale it seemed to glow like amber under a light.
The escape tunnel, made of a tough but pliable synthetic material, was extended.