After all, they argue, where else are the economic opportunities so promising and, even in a time of abridged civil liberties, the freedoms so plentiful?
Being a research based college, faculty and students often take advantage of plentiful opportunities to research a variety of topics.
The mountainous areas also offer plentiful opportunities for outdoor activities.
But the world is too large and the terrorists' opportunities too plentiful for law enforcement agents to stop any but a small fraction of attacks.
The high demand in seaweed production provides plentiful opportunities and work for the local community.
He also worked in a local zoo, a post that offered plentiful opportunities to observe animals at close quarters.
The system left plentiful opportunities for confusion and delay.
While this factor impeded development towards a nation-state, it ensured plentiful opportunities for ambitious bureaucrats and entrepreneurs.
There are bigger problems than one's identity, and there are plentiful opportunities despite it.
Still, he has plentiful opportunities to show off a strong, dark baritone of subtle expressive potential and utterly clear diction.