Tuluni is also called "Anni" the word of which denote the season of plentiful crops.
But in America's farm belt, politicians have backed the ethanol movement as a way to promote the use of corn, the nation's most plentiful and heavily subsidized crop.
What we do get is a most plentiful crop of bursten bellies - what's the learned word?
Next morning, they returned to their respective homes, in the belief that they had insured a plentiful crop for the next season.
As of midweek, he said only one-third of the potato harvest had been gathered, even though a plentiful crop had been produced this year.
Wheat futures prices tumbled today as harvesting started in the Gulf Coast States and traders braced for a plentiful crop.
Nutmegs are the most plentiful crop, followed by an array of such spices as cocoa, mace, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon and ginger.
They cited its potential derived from its status as a cheap and plentiful crop that grows in a wide variety of climates and locales.
She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
Solitude would ripen a plentiful crop of despots.