This suggests nicotine use has a pleasurable effect that triggers positive reinforcement.
It is common for people to experience pleasurable and even euphoriant effects from ingesting capsaicin.
A new study has found that alcohol, even in very small amounts, appears to enhance the pleasurable effects of nicotine.
It is thought to decrease the pleasurable effects of nicotine by pre-empting some of them.
Specifically, nicotine is psychoactive ("mood altering") and can provide pleasurable effects.
That savoring of that much authority had intoxicated him; the pleasurable effect could be seen in his glittering eyes.
Another important factor to consider is the individual differences in the experience of pleasurable effects brought on by the substance or behaviour.
It is reasoned that certain individuals may be more sensitive to the pleasurable effects and thus experience them with greater intensity, resulting in addiction.
In neuroscience, the reward system is a collection of brain structures which attempts to regulate and control behavior by inducing pleasurable effects.