And yet, the opponent in front of him in today's charity match was only a pleasant reminder of the past.
For others, the time in Singapore was a pleasant reminder of urban pleasures once enjoyed and soon to be restored.
The scenic journey was a pleasant reminder of why so many Japanese vacation there.
The box would "become a pleasant reminder to pray for our work", as Buell put it.
Not quite what you're used to at the palace, I suspect, but it's a pleasant enough gastronomic reminder of home.
Meanwhile, as a pleasant reminder that not all the arts are in decline, there's the rest of the film.
A most remarkable coincidence - a very pleasant reminder.
It was one more pleasant reminder that she was no longer the self-centered twentysomething-year-old of another decade.
At their best, favors are pleasant reminders of special evenings.
"This place is full of pleasant little reminders," Diana said.