The sculpture garden at the Museum of Modern Art is a pleasant oasis, a place to get away from the midtown heat and hurry.
Not quite as elaborate as its sister, it's still a pleasant oasis of whispering grasses, a large fishpond and a small pagoda.
Those of us who attended morning sessions at nearby Stuyvesant High School found this a pleasant oasis for after-school hours.
At the top, a stream crosses the path - its shaded rock platform making a pleasant oasis for resting.
In fact, the house was a pleasant and wholly unanticipated oasis of comfort.
The park where the memorial service was held is a pleasant oasis of grass and trees, studded with small stone memorials.
All this inspires mixed feelings among many residents, living in a pleasant oasis of middle-class housing in Manhattan.
Here it is a pleasant oasis of trees and greenery on the steep banks of the creek ravine.
The Town Hall garden is a pleasant oasis.