To them it was what it seemed to be, a pleasant green meadow.
Just behind the overlook is a pleasant high meadow, once the site of the home for unwed mothers.
Two hours before twilight he gave the order to make camp, at a pleasant meadow beside a cold, plunging stream.
His book will help you know where you are going the next time you take a little walk in some pleasant meadow.
The tan-bricked path wound around the lake at the bottom of the ridge and out into a pleasant meadow.
Later, the pace of the column slowed as the pleasant meadows wrinkled into hills.
The sun was bright on the pleasant meadow sloping down to the woods.
At noon we halted in sight of Archidona, in a pleasant little meadow among hills covered with olive-trees.
And that the way to the gallows leads through pleasant meadows.
It made me think of the summer nights long ago, when I used to lie beside my mother in the green pleasant meadow at Farmer Grey's.