A pleasant daydream, nevertheless, upon which his mind lingered.
Rael flushed and dragged himself out of a pleasant daydream where the enemy had been falling back in terrified disorder before his charge.
Anything could happen in a couple of days, thought Rosie, allowing herself a pleasant daydream.
Mr. Baker says he is well aware that such worries are but pleasant daydreams to some of his colleagues in public television.
Of course, so far he'd never managed to keep far enough ahead on full bottles to stock one, but it was a pleasant daydream.
Thus nightmares had a bad reputation, in contrast with the invisible daymares who brought in pleasant daydreams.
Although Worth had made up the difference artfully, the disappointment of her future husband was a source of not exactly pleasant daydreams.
His eyes were half closed, as if he was dreaming pleasant daydreams.
She spent half a minute pursuing this pleasant daydream and was brought down to earth by his, "Well, will you consider it?
She became a day mare, bringing pleasant daydreams to folk.