The wild cards are the singers, who mostly follow Cuban and Puerto Rican models but also reveal the gentle, pleading tones of African lead tenors.
Elayne added in pleading tones, "We came help you, if we can."
He could hear low voices from the room beyond - a man's deep, pleading tones, and the harsh responses from the Old Woman.
Community leaders did the same, in different dialects but always in pleading tones.
The defense lawyer remarked that he was not a friend, and then in gentle, almost pleading tones, said, "Do you think if I ask you, pretty please, you'll try to be my friend for a couple hours?"
Mercy's sweet voice answered her patiently, in low, pleading tones.
"Give me a few minutes," she said, in low, pleading tones.
For Heaven's sake be careful, dear," came the reply in pleading tones across the wire.
The girl laid a tiny hand upon the secretary's arm and spoke in pleading tones.