Two former managers also pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy.
The challenge, of course, is to see a character whole - and perhaps, as some campaign staff members plead, with a trace of forgiveness.
Believe me, Palmeiro pleaded, after a decade or more of the entire baseball industry lying to the public and even more to itself.
He pleads not guilty of murder, but has admitted stabbing Faye.
But in her case it had been pleading, not of speech, but of personality.
The company pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy and mail fraud.
One man pleaded guilty of possession of explosives, the other denied all charges.
He measured the man's arm span while the man pleaded hysterically, now aware of his fate.
Jessica Thomas would later plead guilty of all charges and is currently serving five years in prison for drug abuse.
For a start, she has no desire to plead the case of Britain's size 16s and over.