A public plaza features a water fountain that welcomes visitors to this Urban Center.
The plaza also features a skating rink and fountains.
The plaza features a statue of Brooks Robinson, along with information related to his 23-year career in professional baseball.
This new plaza features a fountain volcano.
The plaza formerly featured large banners, each containing a picture of Unitas in his playing days, flanking the stadium entrance.
The plaza in front of the Court of Justice features a sculpture by Henry Moore.
The plaza also features "The Forum", or amphitheater-a space for public gatherings and performances.
The plaza features a fountain with 140 water jets and uses 280 underground lights.
The plaza formerly featured a small fountain to honor the legends but has since been removed due to water leakage.
Each plaza features a gas station and a variety of restaurants, at least one of which is open 24 hours.