At the center will be a public plaza called Foundation Square.
What also sets it apart is its location squarely in the city's business center, on a broad pedestrian plaza called Martin Place.
A new plaza, called Camillus Commons, was constructed on the site of the old mall.
At the center of the complex will be a new public plaza called Theater Square.
The design includes a people-friendly plaza called Theater Square, which would extend a permanent welcome mat to people in the city and the suburbs beyond.
The plaza called Halmtorvet and the central street, Istedgade, were home to prostitutes and drug addicts.
In 2011, a plaza called Dongate Plaza was built.
The trees are on what was then a small green and is now a concrete plaza called Spouters Corner.
A plaza called Hidalgo Park was designed and built to serve those families.
The site is today a plaza called "1 de Mayo".