Captain Kirk asked playfully, but the science officer didn't rise to the bait.
Danielle asked playfully, looking up into his eyes.
But he asked playfully, "If you don't check your blind spot aren't you worried about an accident?"
Back at school, Calvin playfully asks Rosanna how things are going with Matt.
Moments later, she was back up, playfully asking Buckner, "Why wouldn't you just go down?"
The couple playfully asked their guests to pop into an instant photo booth in the lobby and leave snapshots as mementos.
The poet begins by asking playfully, "Should I get married?
After listening carefully, she playfully asked for an invitation to dinner.
Ewing shook hands with both, then playfully asked which one was the better basketball player.
"Are you still up in the air," the judge playfully asked the lawyer, David Friedman, when he introduced himself.