He combined a playful and clear approach to his subject with a well-developed taste for what was mathematically significant.
Its playful approach to details is established at the start with a mock documentary frame.
Mr. Huyghe takes a playful approach to important architectural icons.
But they did not limit their playful approach to the children's areas.
In a week dedicated to dance music traditionalism, this playful, messy approach was an appealing alternative.
Such a playful approach may seem like a strange way to document a year that has witnessed so much tragedy.
There's a playful, even goofy approach to many ingredients.
"By the 18th century, the Chinese seem to take a more playful approach to animal sculpture," he said.
Hamlet even speaks in funny voices at times, and for the most part it's an effectively playful approach.
The second - written in exile - takes a more abstract, playful and metaphorical approach to Somalia's recent debacle.