The player is directed to destroy the remaining power facilities while Leon attacks Father's tower directly.
After a brief introduction level, the player acquires a headset and is directed by a mysterious voice who calls himself "Doyle".
During gameplay, the player is directed to "quest" monsters indicated by a red marker at the edge of the game window.
Partners can only be found at the ticket office, which is where the player is directed.
Each player was directed a question in turn, and had 6 seconds to answer (including the time used to read the question).
Within this area, the player is introduced to the plans of the expedition and directed to other areas inside Moria.
Upon starting the game players are directed to their in game bunker.
The player is directed to a destination by a large green arrow at the top of the screen.
Instead, the player picks a number of skills from a list, and may be directed to different paragraphs based on whether or not they have a particular skill.
Classical composers sometimes wrote long passages in which the player is directed to keep the damper pedal down throughout.