On a turn, a player can do one of two things: auction off an animal, or initiate a horsetrade.
Aveline is one of the two companions with whom the player cannot initiate a romance.
From the baseline to the foul line, defensive players can no longer initiate contact with their forearm.
Once two or more people own the same animal, an active player may initiate a horsetrade on his turn instead of conducting an auction.
If the player initiates the contact, the agent is obliged to alert the university.
These battles are fought over 'challenges', missions that each player can initiate.
The salary tax was an idea the players initiated in one of their previous proposals.
The player to the dealer's left initiates the bidding process.
The underlying concept aims to establish an internal market where its economic players can freely initiate and exercise their activities.
After finding cities, the player may initiate trade with them.