For the most part, there is support in the clubhouse for Henderson, although some players privately grumble over his absences and what they see as minor injuries.
Another player grumbled today about some of his teammates after he came from a film session in which the trouncing by the Oilers flickered on the screen.
That's why boards and managers sometimes choose to stick with conductors whom the players grumble about.
Nor does it seem to matter that their spectacular new player this season, Latrell Sprewell, grumbles that he wants to play more.
Tour officials watered the greens Friday night after some players grumbled that they were too firm, and Singh took full advantage of the more receptive conditions.
The team's best defensive player was grumbling today as he thought about the Jets-Dolphins game on Sunday, the losing streak and the hometown fans and news media.
For the most part, though, players do not grumble about the lower salaries they are forced to accept.
Some players grumbled that Bonds refused to heed any instructions and that he was more concerned with himself than with the team.
Ledee, who had taken the one-hour bus ride with the team, said some players grumbled about how the new player had received preferential treatment.
Entering Game 6, the players were grumbling about coaching strategies, they were seen arguing with an assistant coach on the bench and they called players-only meetings.