Its eight senior players graduated Friday and were commissioned as Navy ensigns, and combat duty may await them.
Inside, players awaited the first day of practice in franchise history.
This in turns opens the Ice Portal at the base of the Crag, where the second player awaits.
Without training camp, players will likely remain home, perhaps work out on their own and await a settlement between their union and ownership.
School was out on this crisp March day, and every court was packed; idle players awaited their turns behind the painted baselines.
The players have simply reacted negatively to most of the proposals, held their ground and awaited the next set.
The players must now await the opening of the trap door, the blow of the ax.
Although most eventually received their payments the players from Pakistan are still awaiting theirs.
Current and former players are awaiting the outcome of a Federal investigation into charges that financial aid was obtained fraudulently.
No wonder the players await word from the coaches every Monday on where they stand in the nation.