The pianist Randall Hodgkinson, the cellist Ronald Thomas and the violinist Christiaan Bor will play trios by Shostakovich, Arensky and Tchaikovsky.
According to their own story, Takács-Nagy, Ormai and Fejér had been playing trios together for several months when they met Schranz during a pickup soccer game after classes.
It is part of his family heritage: Reger's associate, the violinist Adolf Busch, played trios with Rudolf Serkin, who was Busch's son-in-law.
Playing trios on modern instruments can be a schizophrenic experience for pianists.
The McDermott Sisters will play trios of Mozart, Chaminade and Brahms in a private Mamaroneck home next Sunday at 4 P.M.
They will play trios by Bruch, Mozart and Gordon Jacob.
They will play trios by Haydn and Shostakovich.
On Saturday, he will play trios with the cellist Misha Maisky and the pianist Martha Argerich.
He played trios.
LEAD: James Williams on piano and Jamil Nasser on bass are playing trios tonight at Bradley's, 70 University Place, near 10th Street (228-6440).