Tiny children played tiddlywinks with flattened 7 Up bottle tops, stopping to wave and practise their English - another legacy of the Americans.
Many games are played: tennis, tiddlywinks and wallyball, a variation of volleyball played on a handball court.
"You've been sitting in the interface booth long hours, Ezra, and you weren't playing tiddlywinks while the programs were running," Emily went on.
How to play tiddlywinks while wearing a suit?
General Powell laughed off the suggestion that he was slighted by saying he did not go there "to play tiddlywinks."
The Cartlands made do, and young Barbara and her two brothers spent their formative years this way, learning to play tiddlywinks and other games.
"I play tiddlywinks, that don't make me no murderer!"
I'm playing legal tiddlywinks with these punks.
"Hardly anyone played tiddlywinks or was interested in learning how to play," he said.
He suggested that young, athletic men on his teams were not going to play tiddlywinks on the road after a game.