In a play spanning 15 years, Tina is later the perpetual crasher with an "infinite capacity for chaos."
The play - its title refers to the process of lawyers questioning prospective jurors - spans 10 days in the jury room and in a motel.
The play spans the first two years of Shelby's marriage and motherhood from the viewpoint of Truvy's patrons.
The play spans 10 years (1973 to 1983) in the lives of six Chicago steel workers.
The play spans only the last two years of Richard's life, from 1398 to 1400.
These eight long plays span a turbulent century, from the 1380s to the 1480s.
The play spans over 30 years.
The play, a sprawling hybrid of historical drama and gospel pageantry, begins in 1836 and spans the Civil War.
But when a play spans 25 years, there are bound to be a lot of sets, as well as costumes.
The play, set in the continual present, spans nearly two decades in the lives of the couple, although not in order.