If the rapper Nikki D had played rock-and-roll 10 years ago, she would have been called a punk, albeit an unusually earthy and practical one.
Now, when I started playing in Kansas City, I was playing rock-and-roll.
As a result, Mr. Kay played a major role in two of the century's important musical movements: be-bop and rock-and-roll.
Hendrix and everyone were great musicians, but they weren't playing rock-and-roll.
The Aquanettas play classic, basic rock-and-roll: just rugged guitar riffs and lyrics about the more bothersome aspects of romance.
I came here to play rock-and-roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down.
If the sound that developed at the Shore in the 70's was unique, it was because you could play traditional blues and rock-and-roll.
The band played raucous, shout-along rock-and-roll with melodies and lyrics one can understand even when drunk.
I had already been playing rock-and-roll as opposed to rhythm-and-blues, and we got tired of hearing the same old things.