Blackjack is a member of a large family of traditional card games played recreationally all around the world.
Doubles, more popular to play recreationally than professionally, has already been marginalized over the years.
Farina Elia began playing tennis aged 10; introduced to the sport by her mother who played recreationally.
Skyzoo is an avid basketball fan and is said to still play recreationally in his spare time.
She is the first professional musician in her family, though her father and brother played recreationally.
On court she is a driven girl, but she can also play recreationally and make it fun for everyone.
Its combination of elite athletes having fun and families playing recreationally, has yet to catch on.
People who enjoy playing sports may be amateur athletes who play recreationally.
He played travel hockey himself as a boy, still plays recreationally on an adult team, and has four athletic children of his own.
Living in suburban Detroit, he played recreationally in what is called a "beer league."