Eugene enjoyed fishing and playing the flute or piccolo.
On a few occasions, he also played the clarinet, piccolo, and baritone saxophone.
He also played flute and piccolo at the Calcutta Symphony Orchestra.
He also played the clarinet, bass clarinet, piccolo and flute.
By 1930, Linden was promoted to the position of assistant conductor, though he continued playing flute and piccolo in the orchestra.
Susan Maxey, 35, of Bridgeport, has played piccolo in the Stratford band for six years.
Some of the music is a little funky, but throughout, Laws (who plays piccolo on two of the seven numbers) is in excellent form".
He and his wife, Melo, who plays bells and piccolo, are one of 125 couples who met through the band in the last 20 years.
Obviously a player cannot play the flute and piccolo at the same time.
He came to Tech in 1913 to play piccolo in the band, and became the director the next fall.