Mr. Crumb's appeal was a certain originality of sound color, which he achieved either by inventing new instruments or playing old ones in different ways.
But out of the last eight games, we've played seven pretty solid ones.
That is, large schools play small ones in the same area.
A lot of players play 4 or 5 bells, and everyone doesn't play more than one or twuo ones.
Teams play in local competitions before playing regional ones if they qualify, followed by national stages.
When old songs didn't fit into Mr. Davies's narration, he played new ones.
You have to wonder which architects played with which ones when they were kids.
She used to play really voluptuous ones in the earlier ones and then she was the old tramp wasn't she?
Trade can play an important part in ensuring not only civil and political rights, but also economic and social ones.
The Devils have been mediocre this season, playing one good game before playing several bad ones.