He then played the beam on Ashi's head.
We started out in a group with a street-organ, generally played by Le Poittevin, the painter, with a cotton nightcap on his head.
It's played on my head some, finding out other people knew.
For a moment one of the beams played full on her head, and she drew a deep breath ready to submerge, but the beam moved on and she realized that they had not picked her out.
A faint, cool light played on his head from the prism in the skylight, twenty feet above; around the skylight well, tier on tier of bookshelves went up,' heavy grave-looking volumes of rich red and brown leather, tooled and stamped.
He spent a year busking around Europe - playing the guitar standing on his head".
When the Joker hits an actor playing the famous detective Sherlock Holmes on his head with a pipe, the actor believes he is Holmes and that the Joker is Holmes's archenemy - Professor Moriarty and goes "stalking" The Joker.
In one, she played a model with a toy Eiffel Tower on her head.
Andy Persons said nothing, but his light, as he played it on the pilot's head, shook with fury.
(During one show, he simply sat down on stage; one of the Dead's drummers played paradiddles on his head to get him moving.)