Ms. Faniola also uses the men's tees when playing informally.
These staff members have the designated responsibility to seek out and attract individuals who informally play various roles within the innovation process.
They began by playing informally during re-enactment campaigns.
Young girls informally play the game in refugee camps in the Darfur region.
Even when playing informally with family, he was known to follow his partners into the woods to see whether their balls were in bounds, or playable.
The group dissolved after Mamie Ruth left in the late 1930s, although Theron continued playing informally throughout the following decade.
The Sheiks also continued to busk the streets, and play informally at parties.
Music Club: Using the school's drums, keyboards, and many privately owned guitars, students enjoy playing together informally, sometimes supporting school musical performances.
As new arrivals to Hastings, the men discovered they had each played stickball as city kids and began playing informally on Sunday mornings in the schoolyard.
Hopkins' style was born from spending many hours playing informally without a backing band.