Arias addressed comments she made in a September 2008 television interview that had been played earlier in the trial.
Defense lawyers say they plan to play the entire videotape in the trial, scheduled to begin March 5.
The tape is expected to be played later in the trial.
It may play its part in the trial.
Bill Gates's disastrous deposition, which played a central role in the trial, was a comic masterpiece of evasion and obfuscation.
He also acknowledged that the tapes, which will be played later in the trial, might have a powerful influence on the jury.
However, the conscious representation of the stimuli doesn't play any role for the motor processes in the current experimental trial.
Only the final version was given to the jurors to help them follow the taped conversations played in the trial.
Finally, the ballistic evidence connecting the weapons to the murders also played a significant role in the trial.
Microsoft, the world's biggest software company, played a prominent role in the trial even though it was not a party to the case.