Transatlantic travel played a major role in the expansion of Western civilization into the Americas.
Given its mineral riches, the area played a significant role in the expansion of Roman metallurgy.
The community played a major in the westward expansion of the United States.
Historians agree that Jackson played a critical role in the expansion of the United States.
He played a major part in the post-war expansion of the company from a highly specialised family concern to a diversified international business.
It is argued that these private interests have played a key part in the expansion of prison, as means to deal with social problems.
Dextran-based products were to play a significant role in the further expansion of Pharmacia.
Roman and Arab occupiers also played a significant role in the expansion of the region.
The Water Mages played an important role in the expansion.
Fei-Ranis model goes a step beyond and states that agriculture has a very major role to play in the expansion of the industrial sector.