While men frequently are the subject of their lively discussions and play an important role in the action on-stage, they are strictly characters mentioned but never seen.
She played a key part in the action against the Spanish Armada in 1588.
They did so and played an important role in the resulting action.
The squad was in place on the far side of the strip, aware of what was about to happen and ready to play its part in the action if needed.
Both forts would later provide great vantage points for the Battle of Hampton Roads but neither played an important part in the action.
She does not play a direct part in the action of the Mabinogi, though many characters in that cycle are related to her.
Although U-boats to the north sank two British light cruisers, UB-12 and her group played no part in the action.
And what part are we going to play in the proposed action?
Here are some examples: the European Union played no part in the military action in Afghanistan, although the Member States participated.
The administration approved the deal less than two months later, but officials said Mr. Rove played no part in the action.