Throughout the show, the band played flawlessly while the audience remained attentive to the music.
If he stepped on stage and played flawlessly without quixotic behavior, it might be a disappointment.
Tonight, the 21-year-old had two hits and played flawlessly at third base, even making a diving stab once.
He played flawlessly in the field with five chances and one double play.
In order to have any realistic chance at playing after Sunday, they must play flawlessly from now until then.
Wright sparkled on the mound, the defense played flawlessly behind him, and the hitters came through.
The Nets (22-20) may need to play flawlessly on defense.
And for the rest of the day Belle played flawlessly the role of perfect hostess.
Reyes played flawlessly at short, his natural position and one he will reclaim next season.
Peete, who spent five years in Detroit, played flawlessly.