Dartmouth's original sports field was the Green, where students played cricket and old division football during the 19th century.
It is estimated to have been played more than ten billion times during the 20th century, making it the highest-grossing video game of all time.
Built in 1897, the building played an important role in the field of dairy science during the 20th century.
Immigration and emigration have played a prominent part in the demographic profile of Cuba during the 20th century.
It played an import role in medical training during the nineteenth century when disease reaching epidemic proportion.
The lavvu played a prominent role in two events during the 20th century as more than just a shelter.
It was the lowest scoring game, Grand Final or otherwise, played during the 20th century.
Mail order merchandising played an important role in retail distribution during the 20th century.
The first matches appear to have been played by British sailors during the late 19th century.
The name of the street is derived from "pall mall", a mallet-and-ball game that was played there during the 17th century.