Mactaggart also suggested the play and its author would benefit from the violent protests, adding that the controversy was "a sign of a lively flourishing cultural life."
The plays do not necessarily benefit from being seen on location; each could be staged in a theater on a single set.
In both respects, the play would have benefited from editing.
(Now, as in 1984, the play could benefit from losing at least a half- hour.)
Though the play would benefit from further clarification, it already has immediacy, and there are rawboned performances by Eric Schrode, David Toney and George Gerdes.
"I didn't think it was going to come to this," said Hardaway, whose play had benefited from an extended rest in December and January.
The play did well and benefited her career greatly.
The added characters are, one assumes, a recognition on the part of Mr. Wilson that the play would benefit from being opened up.
Surely, the play would benefit from a lighter directorial touch than that applied by Jeffrey Hyatt.
However, a play can benefit from a good epilogue, she continues.