Russell played baseball for the Cleveland Indians in 1938 before starting his coaching career.
He played in various high school and then military bands before starting his recording career.
Playing one of these cards before starting a challenge will double the amount of Kudos gained or lost during that attempt.
He even played drums for the band Re-Flex in their early years, before starting his career as a bass player.
He played the entirety of the 1-1 draw against China before starting again in the 1-0 loss to Qatar.
He has three holes left to play today before starting the final round.
Kahn is said to have learned to play 18 musical instruments before starting to lead his own orchestra in 1923, aged only 16.
He first played in bands and as an accompanist before starting a solo career.
During her teenage years she played in a folk group before marrying and starting a family.
She played softball before starting in Boxing, practicing against their siblings and friends.