I played with my sister's kids, game after game.
Marcellis didn't disappoint by playing very solidly in defence, game after game.
As a game of skill and action, Carniball entices the player to play game after game in order to beat his or her own score.
How do these guys play at such a high level, game after game after game?
He plays game after game until the sun sets over Lower Manhattan.
The other men played game after game, flinging themselves boldly into the adventure.
Drunk and giddy, Jimmy plays game after game, losing more and more money.
I came home from my part-time job one afternoon and found Dad sitting at the kitchen table, playing game after game of solitaire.
The wild, wide-open game we played game after game just ran out.
The boys sat in front of the video console for hours, playing game after game.