As Karen O plays a creature of pure impulse, the songs provide rigorous structure while they egg her on.
He appeared in the Doctor Who episode "Gridlock", broadcast on 14 April 2007, in which he played a cat-like creature named Thomas Kincade Brannigan.
She plays a human-like creature that the protagonist, Masuoka, discovers in the subterranean world.
Mr. Van Damme plays a creature whom he compares to "a handsome Frankenstein."
And all this time he played and petted with one hand a black-furred creature which curled about his lean throat above the splendid embroidery of his robe as might an extra fur collar.
Is it fun playing a supernatural creature who feeds on bad humans?
The game is a 2D/3D story-based role-playing game as the gamer plays a creature kidnapped by a UFO and forced to survive in a strange world, with elements of Nintendogs.
Cyclone: A spell with the "cyclone" ability is returned to your hand instead of going to the graveyard after its been cast if you've played a creature before casting the spell.
Doug Jones as the Faun and the Pale Man; as the Faun, Jones plays a strange, magical creature who guides Ofelia to the fantasy world.
In "The Word" she plays a snakelike creature who, with a fierce scowl and a little V-shaped hand movement, manages to look thoroughly fearsome.