Turning biblical righteousness on its head, he is playing David to our Goliath, a strategy aimed at snatching one final, personal victory.
In reality, Greenlee is planning to play David.
But we wanted to play David for more than 27 minutes, obviously.
Because you won't play ball with me anymore, David.
Peter Junior had played 199 league games, and David 250 scoring 61 goals.
In 1998 he played David in Beefcake, a movie about 1950s muscle magazines and their connection with the homosexual community.
He is best known for playing David on Sesame Street from 1971 through 1989.
He played the character David in the film A Cinderella Story.
Of course, not even the gifted Mr. Allen could play David as written.
Derek James, later to play opposite David in the film Mulligans, was also in the band.