Now, I did hear in part of Google's explanation for how this happened, a plausible source of, like, code.
The only plausible source of so much wealth," spoke Cranston, "would be the estate of Alexander Munston.
Thonotosassa Wells - Plans to research and evaluate whether this is an additional plausible source for future water needs.
Well," Avi says, "the Germans aren't the most plausible source for the leak anyway.
For their part, the scaremongers selling ABM's have trouble identifying a plausible source or scenario for the threats they purport to counter.
His Supremacy seemed to be asking a genuine question, as though this was a plausible source of knowledge.
And one final plausible source of Mozi's name may have been the philosopher's skin complexion itself, which is referred to as "dark" (lit.
An ancient concoction called frumety or furmety is a less glamorous but more plausible source.
The origin of the expression is uncertain, with several plausible sources.
Desura is primarily important as a plausible source of future growth in a market dominated by Valve Software's Steam platform.