Given these different requirements, platform providers may specialize in serving users on just one side of a two-sided network.
Platform envelopment refers to one platform provider moving into another one's market, combining its own functionality with the target's, to form a multi-platform bundle.
In most cases this is simply a smoothing over of the facilities offered by the various platform providers. (WLD) is an online dating platform provider.
CryptoLogic was one of the largest online gaming platform providers in the world.
Philippe Courtot is also responsible for the success of cc:Mail, e-mail platform providers.
Magicalia Limited is a digital cross-media publisher and platform provider, based in London, England.
Also, platform providers need to have customer support, and this will drive the price up.
Therefore they're a platform provider, albeit the provided platform is rather general-purpose.
One comprises platform providers like eBay that can benefit as the numbers of buyers and sellers increase, making the sites still more attractive to other users.